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Why Does My Tooth Hurt Like This?

February 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalexpressions @ 10:30 pm
Man has dental pain

Toothaches can range from mildly annoying to utterly excruciating, and the cause of the problem determines how much pain a person experiences. Luckily, you can often figure out why your tooth is hurting by what kind of pain you have, where it is located, and how long it lasts. Here’s a brief guide to the different types of toothache along with a few home remedies and when you should call a dentist for professional help.

A Dull, Persistent Ache

The most common type of toothache involves a vague but troublesome and lingering discomfort. A few reasons for this to happen include:

  • Debris caught between the teeth or in the gums: This can usually be resolved with a thorough brushing and flossing session.
  • Teeth grinding (bruxism): Many people grind their teeth as a stress response when awake or when asleep. If you grind when awake, being aware of the habit can help you break it. If you grind while asleep, wearing a mouthguard to bed can help prevent damage and discomfort.
  • An abscessed tooth: These infections result in a pocket of pus forming within the gums. Abscessed teeth must be treated by an emergency dentist.

Tingling Sensitivity

While teeth sensitivity is common, it can be quite annoying. It’s usually caused by worn-down enamel and results in mild discomfort for a short period of time when the teeth are exposed to acidic, sweet, or hot or cold substances. While you may be able to address the issue with a desensitizing toothpaste, you should see a dentist if the problem persists for longer than a week. In some cases, intense tooth sensitivity that causes pain for more than thirty seconds can result from cracks, tooth decay, or exposed roots that require immediate dental attention.

Sharp, Throbbing Pain

If you have a throbbing toothache that is debilitatingly painful, it is probably caused by advanced tooth decay. This sort of toothache happens when an infection eats its way through the enamel and dentin layers of a tooth and reaches the pulp at the center, and it usually must be treated with a root canal to prevent the loss of the tooth. Call an emergency dentist as soon as possible and try placing a cotton ball soaked with clove oil over the tooth to manage the pain until then.

The best way to keep your teeth from hurting is to practice excellent oral hygiene, see your dentist regularly, and protect your smile from injury. Knowing the source of your dental pain can help you know how to resolve it.

About the Practice

Dental Expressions provides the community of Freedom, WI with the best oral health care available. With Drs. Robert and Heather Heil at the helm, the staff works tirelessly to help patients achieve their oral health goals. Services offered include general, cosmetic, restorative, and emergency dentistry. For more information on preventing dental pain, contact the office online. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, dial (920) 788-6280.

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