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Quiet Aggravation: How Your Daily Routine May Be Harming Your Gums

March 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalexpressions @ 8:39 pm
Patient looking at their gums in the mirror

Happy, healthy gums are vital to supporting your teeth and maintaining good oral health. They are part of the complex attachment system that keeps your teeth strong and in place. However, some habits you may do on a daily basis could irritate them, leading to discomfort and potential dental issues. If you’re curious to see what habits may unknowingly be causing your gums grief, continue reading.

1. Aggressive Brushing

Brushing your teeth too hard may seem like a good way to clean them, but it can damage your gums! Overly aggressive brushing can wear down gum tissue and lead to recession, exposing the sensitive roots of your teeth. To protect your gums, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle, circular motions while brushing.

2. Skipping the Floss

Not flossing can leave behind food particles and plaque between your teeth, contributing to gum irritation and inflammation. Try to make flossing a daily habit to remove bacteria and debris from areas that your toothbrush can’t reach. And as with brushing, be gentle. Use soft motions and curve the floss around each tooth to effectively clean along the gumline.

3. Using Tobacco

Smoking and chewing tobacco not only stain your teeth but can also harm your gums. These products contain harmful chemicals that irritate gum tissue, leading to inflammation, gum disease, and even tooth loss! Quitting smoking and avoiding tobacco is the best way to protect your gum health.

4. Poor Dietary Choices

Lastly, a diet high in sugary and acidic foods can wreak havoc on your gum health. Sugar-laden snacks and beverages fuel the growth of bacteria in your mouth, leading to plaque buildup and gum inflammation. The same can be said for acidic foods and drinks that erode tooth enamel.  A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and dairy products supports gum health and keeps teeth strong.

By being mindful of these common habits that may harm your gums, you can take steps to protect your smile. Be kind to your mouth by being gentle in your care and try to mitigate the foods and products that damage it. If you need more help, your dentist is only a phone call away!

About the Author

If you want to restore your smile and ease aching gums, Dr. Robert and Dr. Heather Heil can help. They have decades of experience and the aid of advanced dental technology to diagnose and treat a wide range of issues. Their friendly and professional staff are dedicated to guiding you through your visit and ensuring you leave with a smile. Call (920) 788-6280 to schedule an appointment at Dental Expressions or visit the website to see a full menu of services they offer.

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